Service Analysis Report

Through data analysis, you can get insights that can improve
your business strategy.

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Video is the largest, longest-running time, and most versatile media element.
It is very important to find insights for business by analyzing consumed content and user patterns.

Service Analysis Report
Usage Statistics

The Kollus platform provides platform
usage statistics to ensure proper
budget and cost utilization.

Statistical itemsNetwork traffic, transfer volume,
storage usage, transcoding usage

Viewer Experience Analysis

We analyze the viewer experience
by collecting data by type, such as the country,
device, operating system, and web browser
of the user who watched the video content.
In addition, changes in the viewer's environment due to the purchase of new devices, APs, etc.
or updates by manufacturers can be confirmed through data analysis, and appropriate countermeasures can be negotiated based on the report .

Statistical Analysis by Content

Effective content management strategy
is possible through the total number of viewers
per video content, the number of views,
and the inflow domain.

Statistical itemsPlayer request count, play count,
incoming domain, play time,
bounce rate, etc.

Deriving business insights through Big Data analysis

For effective business status analysis, statistical analysis that reflects the customer's business is required
in addition to usage and viewing statistics.

Deriving business insights through Big Data analysis

Kollus supports the implementation of a dedicated dashboard based on ElasticSearch and kibana for analysis and visualization of video viewing data. The dashboard that combines viewing data collected through dedicated players, unique content metadata, and customer business data can generate insights for business improvement.

Contact Us

If you need more detailed information, please contact us.

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Video Streaming Platform
Media Asset Management Platform
Why Catenoid